For immediate release: September 3, 2024
Judson Howie LLP is pleased to announce that Cassandra Spade has joined the firm to complete her law school integrated practice placement.

Cassandra Spade (she/her) is a grassroots human rights activist from Mishkeegogamang First Nation who shares close local connections to Couchiching First Nation. She is currently a third-year law student at the Bora Laskin Faculty of Law at Lakehead University. Just before arriving in Fort Frances, Cassandra had the opportunity to work at the Women’s Legal Education and Action Fund (LEAF) where she sharpened her legal skills by working on cases to advance gender equality in Canada. When she is not studying law, you can find Cassandra providing Anishinaabe language and cultural programming for Gaa-minwaajindizowaaj (GAAM), an organization she founded in 2020.
Cassandra Spade izhinikaazo. Mashkiigogamaang oonjii, giiwedinong inake. Miinawaa Gojijiing gii-izhi-ombigi. Namewan odoodeman. Gikinoo’amaagozi megwaa gaye gichi-gikinoo’amaadiiwigamigong, Bora Laskin Faculty of Law ezhi-wiinjigaadeg. Gii-niibing, gii-dananokii i'iwedi Women's Legal Education and Action Fund (LEAF). Mii iwe Gaa-minwaajindizowaaj (GAAM) gaa-ozhitood ji-aanikenamawindwaa abinoojiinyag anishinaabemowin. Apii dash gekinoo'amaagozisigin iwe inaakonigewin ogikinoo’amawaa’ abinoojiinya' iwe anishinaabemowin.
Judson Howie LLP practices in criminal defence, civil litigation, family law, child protection law, municipal/political law, human rights and discrimination law, and corporate law.
Judson Howie LLP