For immediate release: January 1, 2023

Cheers to new beginnings.
Effective January 1, 2023, the law practices of Peter A. Howie and Douglas W. Judson have been combined into Judson Howie LLP.
Judson Howie LLP is a modern, cost-effective law firm with offices in Fort Frances and Toronto. We represent clients in the following areas:
Criminal defence;
Family law and separation;
Child protection law;
Disputes and civil litigation;
Human rights and discrimination;
Municipal law and public accountability; and
Commercial leasing.
Legal Aid certificates are accepted for criminal, family, and child protection matters.
Judson Howie LLP also accepts engagements from other law offices to provide cost-effective litigation supports, such as legal research and drafting.
Existing clients of Mr. Howie and Mr. Judson will be contacted to transfer their matters to the firm. Inquiries can be directed to:
Judson Howie LLP
P.O. Box 105
Fort Frances, ON P9A 3M5
Phone: 807-797-2023
We are excited about the year ahead for our practices and wish all of our clients and our colleagues in the justice community a healthy and happy new year.
Douglas W. Judson